Restaurant Hours:  Wednesday & Saturday 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm  |  Thursday & Friday 11:00 am - 9:00 pm



  • All players must register in the golf shop before playing to sign tickets or inform a staff member so that appropriate charges can be made to the member’s account.
  • All play must start at Hole #1 unless permission to start elsewhere is received from the golf shop.
  • Members are responsible for registering their guests and making sure that the guests meet the Club’s code. An individual may use the golf facilities as a guest of the Club only six times within a year.
  • Fivesomes are permitted on the course only with permission from the Golf Professional Staff.
  • The golf course and cart paths are for golfers and golf carts only. No bikers, skateboards, rollerblades, pets. Etc. are allowed on or around the golf course or clubhouse at any time.
  • The Club may change, modify, amend, or alter all Golf Rules and Regulations in its sole discretion without notice to the membership.


The course and all practice facilities are closed on Mondays (some holiday exceptions) and other days during posted events.


The Polo Fields Golf & Country Club is a club in which good taste and common-sense attire should apply. Members’ dress should exemplify the professionalism and honor of the game of golf. The Club has established the following dress code for the dining facilities, golf course, and practice facilities.


Casual Dress is permitted in the Clubhouse Dining Facilities, including the outdoor terrace, except for the following:

No cut-offs, improperly hemmed or dirty clothing, athletic shorts, short-shorts (hemline more than 5 inches above the knee), miniskirts, T-shirts with offensive slogans, sweat clothes, halter tops, tank tops, bare-midriff styles, muscle shirts, swimwear, and underwear style T-shirts.  Men and boys are asked to wear their hats forward-facing.

The Staff is empowered to monitor the dress code and deny clubhouse access to anyone in violation.


Each player should be suitably dressed at all times.  Proper golf attire for women includes Bermuda-type shorts, skirts, culottes of reasonable length or slacks, and collarless shirts with sleeves or sleeveless shirts with collars.  Blue jeans or cut-offs, short shorts, and bare midriff styles are prohibited.

Proper golf attire for men and boys includes walking shorts and slacks, turtleneck and mock-turtleneck shirts, shorts, and traditional golf shirts.  Muscle-type or underwear-type shirts, blue jeans, and cut-offs are not acceptable.  Tennis apparel is not acceptable for either men or women on the golf course. Men and Women are asked to wear hats forward facing.

Please always be aware of our dress code, particularly when entertaining family members or guests. Avoid an embarrassing situation for you, your guest, and the Polo Fields staff.


  • Juniors under the age of 16 may not operate carts. A valid driver’s license is necessary to operate a cart. All rules for the operation of golf carts on Club property apply to member-owned golf carts in addition to golf carts owned by the Club.
  • The Superintendent and Golf Professional have the authority to ban the use of carts when conditions warrant.
  • Players shall sign only for their cart and must do so before starting play. The occupants of a cart are responsible for themselves, the cart, their property, and any damage incurred while leasing the cart. Members are responsible for any damage to carts caused by them, their guests, or their family. The Club assumes no responsibility whatsoever for injuries or damages caused by the operation of golf carts.
  • Only two people and two bags are allowed on any cart unless a four-bagger is in use.
  • When on the golf course, players shall:
    • Not drive in the native grasses and mounds
    • Use paths wherever possible
    • Keep carts on paths on all Par 3’s
    • Follow all directional signage provided on the golf course


  • Practicing is allowed in designated practice areas only. The golf course is not to be used as a “practice area”.
  • If you are not a Range Member, you must check in at the golf shop before you begin your practice session.
  • Driving range hours may vary depending on daylight hours and weather conditions.
  • All persons using the driving range shall stay between the ropes or within the area designated by the staff.
  • All players wishing to hit woods must do so from the designated posted area only. Any player hitting woods from other areas will be asked to refrain from hitting and go to the proper area.
  • Members not following posted range rules will be subject to review from management. If management finds the member not complying with the rules, that member will face suspension of golf range privileges.
  • The driving range is closed to members on Mondays, and such other times as determined by the Professional Staff.



  • Please check in the golf shop, prior to teeing off.
  • All play will start off the 1st hole unless instructed otherwise by the Golf Professional Staff. 
  • If you choose to walk for your round, please walk the entire round. If you are seen riding on a cart, you will be charged a cart fee. 
  • When playing, please follow proper cart path etiquette by staying on the cart paths near the tees and greens. 
  • For your safety, walkers/joggers are not permitted on the course from dawn until dusk. Please do not cut through the golf course to get to the pool, clubhouse, etc. 
  • Walking dogs is never permitted on the golf course. 
  • Only golf carts that are being used during a rounds of golf should be on the golf course. 
  • Fishing or any type of other activities are not permitted on the golf course and should be kept in your backyard. 
  • Proper golf attire must be worn on the course and all practice facilities. No tee shirts, no denim. 
  • Only golf members and social members with a range membership are permitted to use the practice facilities. 
  • Guests are permitted to us the practice facilities when accompanied by a member. 
  • Range balls are hit off the mats Tuesday-Friday, and off the grass on Saturday and Sunday. Please use the appropriate teeing areas on those days. 
  • For the safety of our neighbors, please refrain from using any clubs that would hit the ball over the range netting. 
  • A guest is only permitted to play six (6) rounds of golf during the year. 
  • Social memberships are only allowed six (6) rounds of golf during the year. 
  • Dining Members have no golf course privileges. 



  • The golf cart storage and club storage areas, golf course maintenance buildings and kitchens are off-limits to members unless accompanied by an authorized employee of Club.


  • Club property may not be removed from the Club premises without specific permission from the General Manager, obtained in advance. Any Club property damaged or lost by a member, member of the family, or guest shall be paid for by such member. Furthermore, it is the policy of the Club that no piece of furniture, fixture or equipment may be loaned or rented to a member, guest of a member, or any other person without management approval.
  • The Club will exercise every reasonable care for the property of the members. Under no circumstance will the Club be responsible for lost or damaged property of members and guests.


  • Automobiles parked on the Club property must be parked within designated areas. It is not permissible to park cars under the porte cochere of the Club for any period of time. The Club shall not be held responsible for any claims of loss or damage to vehicles or property.


  • No member or guest will be permitted to bring food or refreshments into the Club. No beverage except that poured by the Club shall be consumed on the Club premises. The Club’s liquor license allows for on-premise consumption only. No alcohol poured at the Club may be carried off premise.
  • No alcoholic beverages shall be served to any member or guest who, in the sole discretion of the Club employee, appears intoxicated.
  • Any member who is habitually intoxicated on Club premises shall, in the discretion of Management, be subject to discipline by the Club.
  • Under no circumstances shall the Club serve an alcoholic beverage to a person less than twenty-one (21) years of age. No member or guest shall be permitted to purchase or otherwise furnish alcohol to anyone under twenty-one (21) years of age for consumption.
  • Children under the legal drinking age are not to be seated at the bar unless they are with a parent or guardian. If the child is with their parent or guardian, they are welcome at the bar until 7:00 pm. After 7:00 pm, children under the legal drinking age are not to be seated at the bar.


  • Members or guests shall not send employees of the Club off the Club’s property.
  • Members or guests shall not reprimand employees of the Club. Any employee’s misconduct or a complaint about an employee should be reported to the General Manager.


  • No dogs or other pets are allowed in the Clubhouse or on the Club premise. Pets are not permitted on the golf course. Members permitting dogs and other pets on the golf course are subject to discipline by the Club. A member is responsible for any damage caused by an animal owned by him/her.


  • All members and guests at the Club must wear acceptable attired at all times. Members are responsible for the acceptability of their guests’ attire. The Club Management, it its sole discretion, determines what attire is acceptable.
  • Denim is acceptable in clean, good condition, no cut-offs, no overalls, no frayed edges, no holes, no excessively baggy or loose denim, no visible midriff, no visible undergarments. This includes designer jeans that are intended to be worn that way.
  • Swimwear and fitness apparel, including yoga pants are not permitted in the dining room or patio. This attire may be worn at the pool dining areas only.
  • Dress code applies to people 13 years of age and older.
  • Attire for the golf course is covered under the Golf Course Rules & Regulations.


  • Children under the age of twelve (12) years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over the age of sixteen (16) years of age, who will assume responsibility for the behavior of the child while on Club premises.
  • No children or relatives of the members shall be employed by the Club.


  • The smoking of cigars, cigarettes or pipes in the clubhouse is not permitted. Smoking is permitted on the golf course.


  • Only golfing members – Full Golf | Sporting | Corporate | Junior | Senior – and their guests will be permitted in locker rooms. Minors at all times are excluded from the locker rooms unless accompanied by an adult.
  • All clothing must be kept within the lockers.
  • Golf Clubs shall not be stored in lockers.
  • Storage of food and beverages in the lockers is prohibited.
  • Bath towels that are property of the Club, or any other Club property, shall not be removed from locker rooms for any reason. Utility towels are provided through the golf shop for the purpose of cleaning clubs. Utility towels are to be returned after use and shall remain on the Club property.


  • Solicitation for any outside organization on Club property is prohibited unless advance permission is granted by the General Manager.
  • No subscription, petition, or notice shall be circulated or posted in the Clubhouse or ground of the Club except by permission of the General Manager.


  • Only bathing suits or appropriate swimwear are to be worn in/at the pool. Cover ups are required when walking through the Clubhouse.
  • All guests of members using the pool facility must be checked in.
  • All posted rules at the pool must be abided.

The Polo Fields Golf & Country Club
5200 Polo Fields Drive,
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

(734) 998-1555